Exchange & Return Policy

If for any reason you are unsatisfied or find the items not suitable with a genuine reason, exchanges will be accepted within 14 days after delivery with a valid proof of purchase.

Cash refunds are not obliged under any case.

Exchanges may be made within the 14 days provided that the garment is unworn, in its original condition. We also can't accept cancellations for the orders, unless within 48 hours of your order being placed.

Our exchange policy is effective if

  • The article purchased shrinks/bleeds after first wash.
  • We recommend our customers to view size chart before purchasing however if the size is not fit, the size of the garment can be exchanged only if it is not used or washed and all packing and tags are intact in such case shipping will be paid by the customer.
  • Any exchanges made after 14 days are subject to management discretion
We don't exchange under following scenario:
  • We don't exchange products which come under Hyper SALE.